About the School

To develop graduates of character in an environment of excellence.
To be the standard for all facets of student achievement, producing successful, active citizens.
Core Values
- We believe we are cultivating tomorrow's leaders.
- We believe we are developing character to define and create successes.
- We believe we are enabling students through academics and extracurriculars to graduate.
Established in 2010, Veterans High School is located in a community approximately two hours south of Atlanta. VHS is the newest of five high schools in the Houston County School System. It serves approximately 1914 students in grades 9-12 with 87 full-time certified teachers, 4 counselors, 7 custodians, 17 cafeteria staff, 13 paraprofessionals, 9 clerks, and one media specialist. Dr. Lionel Brown served as the first principal from 2010 – 2015, and Dr. Chris Brown served was principal from 2015 until 2018. Dr. Amy Barbour, previously Assistant Principal for Instruction, became principal in 2018. She leads a team of five assistant principals.
VHS is located in close proximity to Robins Air Force Base. As a result, a high concentration of students have military connections, bringing diverse backgrounds and experiences. Nearly one half of the current student population are Hispanic, Asian, Black, or multiracial.
VHS has been successful in establishing a unified culture where the student is its focus. Relationships between and among administrators, staff members, students, and parents are vital in laying the interdependent foundation where success is seeded. The school is located in a community where education is paramount. The system and the community are dedicated to making all students successful. In all aspects, VHS's motto is tangible: “Excellence is the standard, not the goal.” Veterans High School was named a one of America's Best High Schools by U.S. News & World Report in 2018, 2019 and 2021.

Veterans has established a strong academic standard, in which all students have opportunities to achieve and be successful. A clear testament is the graduation rate, reaching 94.2% in 2022. This is a clear indicator of the school’s dedication to helping students have post-secondary options. Regardless of ability level or student need, the staff of Veterans High School works diligently to offer all students venues through which they can grow and learn in a supportive environment, valuing their strengths and contributions to the school family, while encouraging their growth and improvement.
Starting with six Advanced Placement offerings in 2011, the average student score was 3.05 and the pass percentage was 69%, both of which were above county, state, national, and global averages. In 2011, the offerings were increased to 10 courses, and enrollment increased significantly. Again, VHS scored above county, state, national, and global averages with an average student score of 3.29 and a pass percentage of 72%. Student participation rates in AP courses have steadily increased since 2011, with 350-450 students enrolled in one or more AP courses yearly. In its first eligible year, the governor named VHS as an AP STEM School, having tested students in at least two AP math courses and two AP science courses with at least 40% earning a score of 3, 4, or 5, and the school has earned this recognition yearly. Currently, VHS offers 14 AP courses, and 78% of students received a score of 3 or higher on the May 2022 exams.

Career, Technical, and Agricultural Education Programs
The Career Technical and Agricultural Education (CTAE) department is comprised of six areas. Students have to opportunity to complete career pathways in each area, as well as participate in co-curricular Career Technical Student Organizations (CTSOs) DECA, FBLA, FCCLA, FFA, and SkillsUSA. Students have placed at either the Region, State, or National level.
The six areas are:
- The Air Force ROTC unit was named in the top 5% of the nation's units.
- Former ROTC instructors were name Outstanding Instructors, and we've had several AFJROTC AFA Cadet of the Year.
- Career Pathways include the following: Ag Mechanics, Food Animal Systems, Forestry/Wildlife, and Agribusiness Systems
Business & Computer Science
- Career Pathways include the following: Business & Technology, Computer Science, Entrepreneurship, and Financial Services
- Career Pathways include the following: Graphic Communication
- In 2011-2012, the Graphics department received PrintED Industry Certification and recertified in 2019.
Family & Consumer Science
- Career Pathways include the following: Food & Nutrition and Interiors, Fashion & Textiles, and Early Childhood Education
Marketing, Sales & Service
- Career Pathways include the following: Sports & Entertainment Marketing
Whether interested in agriculture, food and nutrition, marketing, graphics or business, there are class offerings that will provide the foundation and knowledge for growth in the skills and talents needed to make the most of an individual’s interests.
Students participating in CTAE are "college, career and workforce ready" - prepared to compete in the global marketplace.
Athletics and Extracurricular Programs
Veterans offers a variety of extracurricular programs to extend and enhance the high school experience for students. We encourage students to find places to become actively involved and contribute to the Warhawk community.
Competing in the Georgia High School Association (GHSA) Region 1-6A, VHS sports programs on the junior varsity and varsity level include: baseball, basketball, cheerleading, cross country, football, golf, soccer, swimming, softball, tennis, track, volleyball, and wrestling. Please visit the "Athletics" tab to find out more about our programs' successes and honors, as well as other relevant information for our athletic programs.
Additional GHSA activities offered at VHS include E-Sports, Bass Angler Federation, and Literary.
There are over 20 clubs, honor societies, and service organizations available for student participation at VHS. Each Fine Art program has aligning extracurricular programs and activities, as does each CTAE program. Please visit the "Campus Life" tab for more information on extracurricular programs.