Little Warhawks Preschool

Thank you for your interest in the Little Warhawk Preschool! As you know, children must be 3 by September 1 and not turned four by September 1. Preschool students will start right after Labor Day, and they will finish for the fall semester the first week of December. They will start their second semester at the end of January and will finish at the beginning of May. Outside of those start and end dates, we follow the Houston County School calendar.

The preschool will be staffed by a paraprofessional, and early childhood education students will also go into the preschool to help in teaching lessons. We will not follow one particular curriculum, as preschool for three-year-olds really is best as a play-based learning experience. However, we will utilize components from High Scope and Creative Curriculum as well as online resources.

Children will attend preschool Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 8:30 to 12:30, and transportation must be provided by a parent or guardian. The Little Warhawk Preschool is indeed housed here at Veterans High School.

The form and the nonrefundable $25 registration fee (CHECKS ONLY) will need to be brought to the school office no earlier than April 7th.  At that time, you will receive a copy of the Preschool Handbook.  You will be notified via email (from Mrs. Vinup) when your registration form and fee have been processed.  If we reach capacity (10 students) before you turn in your form and money you will be placed on a waiting list and notified as such.  If this is the case, we will hold your check until such a time a spot becomes available.  


In addition to the non-refundable registration fee, the first semester fee of $200 will be due at open house on Thursday, August 28th, and the second semester fee of $200 will be due December 4th, which is the last day of preschool for the semester. Please do not pay the $200 fee at this time.

Please direct any questions to Mrs. Vinup -

Little Warhawks Preschool


Playground 1
Playground 2